Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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- Way of life


The bear’s favorite areas offer plentiful food, secure shelter and comfortable wintering spots. Thick beech and oak forests, in combination with rock faces offering good dens, boast the highest density of the country’s bear population.

A bear needs about 10-15 kilos of food every day, so the size of its range depends on the availability of food and the presence of other bears in the vicinity. In food-rich forests, a bear roams some 50 to 100 km², while in poor areas it would need to cover 10 times as much ground to subsist. Females have more limited ranges, because they cannot stray far from the lair when they have cubs.

In the wild, a bear rarely lives for more than 25-30 years before disease, other predators or humans catch up with it.

Bears are active both in daytime and at night. Human interference and persecution have forced the bears in Bulgaria into a more secluded, nocturnal existence, hiding during the day and roaming after dark.


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What to do in an encounter with a bear?

What to do in an encounter with a bear? When crossing ‘bear country’, be sure to make sufficient noise – whether by talking, whistling, or stomping your feet – in order for bears to sense your presence from at least 30 meters away. If you move quietly, you may stumble upon a bear’s ‘personal space and startle it. Feeling under threat, the bear can react on an impulse and simply run over you before retreating. Usually you will get away with a bruise or two, some scratches and cuts and a big fright.

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